2022: A Year in Review

Before jumping into the New Year with new resolutions and ambitions, I like to take some time to reflect on the past year. Reflection is a useful and important step that can help identify gaps and ways to optimize what is already working in work and life.

Here are a few questions that I’m asking myself as I look back on 2022:

  • What accomplishments am I most proud of myself for?

  • Who were the people that supported and encouraged me along the way?

  • What habits or changes did I start doing that are serving me and I want to continue doing?

  • What are the habits or behaviours that aren't serving me and I want to stop doing (or what do I need to start doing)?

  • What lessons did I learn from the challenges I faced or mistakes I made?

  • How did I celebrate my successes and how can I do more of that?

What accomplishments am I most proud of myself for?

2022 was a big year. With change happening at an unprecedented pace in the power industry as our economy shifts to net-zero, work was full-on (in a good way). And of course launching Repowered Leadership has been huge! I became certified as an executive coach earlier this year and then almost immediately embarked into the world of entrepreneurship. It’s been the most challenging and rewarding experience (second to parenthood) and I’ve learned SO much along the way.

In addition to working full time, completing my coaching certification program, and starting Repowered Leadership, I’ve completed over 50 hours of coaching (in my “free” time) and am half-way to the 100 hours needed for accreditation from the International Coaching Federation. #2023goals

More importantly, I'm proud of how I’ve shown up for my clients and my commitment to making a positive impact in their work and lives. I truly love coaching and seeing the transformations that it creates for people.

And MOST importantly, I’ve had the best time with my kids and watching them grow into the amazing little people that they are. Taking time away from work and vacationing with my family for two weeks this past summer is the number one highlight of my year.

Who were the people that supported and encouraged me along the way?

I'm so grateful to all my family, friends, clients, and coaches for all of the support and encouragement as I've embarked on this journey.

What habits or changes did I start doing that are serving me and I want to continue doing?

One of the best changes I made in 2022 was to stop consuming news all day, every day. In prior years, especially at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, I was constantly watching the news, listening to the news, and scrolling the news. This year, I made a concious effort to only spend a few minutes at the end of each day to catch up on current events and it’s been such a positive change. If you find yourself scrolling news sites several times a day, I encourage you to try this and be amazed by the shift!

Another thing I started in 2022 is focusing on progress and not perfection. I started being ok with taking “messy” action and not waiting for things to be perfect before moving forward. If I hadn’t made this change, I would still be thinking about launching my business instead of actually doing it (and all the steps that followed).

In 2022, I stopped worrying as much about what other people will think and started trusting myself more. I started putting my work and creative ideas out there in the world. It doesn’t always feel easy but I’m so excited to continue this into next year. Stay tuned!

What are the habits or behaviours that aren't serving me and I want to stop doing (or what do I need to start doing)?

In 2023, I will focus on setting up systems that make work and life easier. For work (coaching), this will mean cleaning up and automating some of the backend systems to free up more of my time as the business grows. Outside of work, I want to start a better Sunday routine where I get things organized for the week. No more last minute scrambling to figure out what's for dinner or who's picking up the kids…

What lessons did I learn from the challenges I faced or mistakes I made?

One important lesson that I learned this year as I started up Repowered Leadership at the same time as working full time and raising two kids under 5, is that asking for help is a must. It makes things a million times easier (and more fun). In 2023, I will do more of this. I will lean more into the things that I excel at and ask for extra help on the things that are outside my “zone of genius”.

I'm less than a year into business so everything is a challenge, many mistakes have been made, I'm learning lessons all day, every day!

How did I celebrate my successes and how can I do more of that?

Helping my clients celebrate their successes has been the best reward and I will do more of that in 2023.

Your turn…

As 2022 comes to a close, how will you reflect on the highs and the lows of the year? What do you want to bring with you into 2023 and what do you want to leave behind?

Happy New Year!


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